I really enjoyed reading this. I think the thing I found most striking was her acknowledgment of parenting as pure leadership, because it requires you to manage yourself and others when there is no direct accountability.

It made me think of this article which expresses a lot of the self-management of being a SAHM: https://americanmind.org/salvo/the-mothers-gauntlet/?utm_source=pocket_saves

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Thank you for sharing that essay Annelise - so interesting!

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Yes, I love the way she equated all the best things people value in corporate environments to the work of family and home. They are valuable skills for a *reason*. A parent or "family maker" should really see themselves as having the agency to learn and build those skills! We are indeed leaders, in the purest sense, in the home.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Ivana Greco

Thank you Haley. Yes, we are leaders.

In old civilizations, women were worshipped as family and future generations were dependent on a woman becoming a mother. Sadly, the very same fact is so disrespected nowadays as when a woman becomes a mother she becomes a homemaker to build a family and the time she spends in a home is seen as unproductive.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Ivana Greco

Very interesting share. Thank you

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This is fascinating! So interesting to hear about Mona's advocacy efforts, too.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Ivana Greco

Thank you

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