Paying someone else to raise my children is my greatest regret in life. Every day, I drop my kids off with people I don’t really know to go do a job far far less inspiring and fulfilling than mothering my kids-And pay $3300/mo to do it (!!!)-I can see why there’s a shift for subsidized childcare-it’s expensive! Until we value mothers in the household again, the push for taxpayer funded childcare will continue. They will keep convincing us mothers that careers are more important. Our poor kids. And I’m part of the problem, that’s a hard pill to swallow.

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I also really struggled when I had to send my older two children to daycare - we feel very fortunate that I’ve been able to stay home with our third baby.

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Jun 21, 2023
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Penny, everything you said here is wrong.

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What’s wrong is that women were told to value a career/independence over family and marriage so they entered the workforce, leaving behind their kids and creating the two-income trap which fueled everything getting much more expensive. In a nutshell-feminism is poison. I’ve done a 180 on this. My eyes are open.

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Universal Daycare is simply an extension of the 10th plank of communism: "Government control of Education". The purpose as stated in the Communist Manifesto is to indoctrinate your children and destabilize the family bond. "Give me four years to teach the children and the seeds I have sewn will never be uprooted." "Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever." - Vladimir Lenin.

This, of course, is never enough. The term cradle-grave is an apt description of the end goal of reliance of individuals on the state forever, for everything.

We birth our children only to for them to become wards of the state while we send our women to work ultimately unfulfilling jobs, all the while lying to them saying, "you deserve higher pay, more hours, and possibly become a man yourself!" While the veritable effects are: the loss of your children, the destruction of the family, a high dose of Xanex, and a missing out on the true wonders of life. The children then, perpetuate this cycle as learned from their distant and barely seen parent(s).

Do not sacrifice your loved ones on the alter of State power. Take back your autonomy, if possible -stay married, raise your own children according to your own beliefs, homeschool or private school, and for heaven sake... forget about the Jones's, keeping up with them will cost you everything.

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The reality of daycare (centers) is that your baby or child will be exposed to coughs and colds and gastrointestinal infections. A 3 month old baby with daycare center acquired infection that leads to bronchitis is so tragic. Lice, and other parasitical infections also are common. It’s not IF a child will get sick, it’s “how often” and “how severe”. At some point the money added to the household or the economy has to be balanced with how much you are spending on medicines and hospital visits and doctor visits. It’s a whole other thing when your child knows he or she will be abandoned to the care of paid caregivers and warehoused with other children in the place who may or may not like him. Children get hurt, sick, this is the reality. If our government accepts that, it doesn’t mean it’s good or should be implemented.

Reality always wins. Moms are generally pretty intensely protective of children, most would prefer to be home, and if that’s not an option look for a safer less infectious environment like a neighbor or relative. The pattern for s that the care center is utilized for a few weeks or months, the parent misses loads of work days because the child gets terribly ill, frequently. And then the parent finds some alternative desperately needed to keep the child healthy. Often this means shift work or part time or neighbors, relatives.

What’s insane is that our government would rather finance the centers than to pay individual citizens for this caregiving. I see no reason why a neighbor or relative should not be eligible for reimbursement and compensation for childcare. Shame on the USA for not giving moms three or four years off to rear their children.

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